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Yahoo! HotJobs
Flow-map of as-is IxD, broken-up into predicted user scenarios

IxD Sleuthing, Database Sleuthing, VisDe
This was a 3-day margin-time turnaround user scenarios map, demonstrating at a top-level what each user's
migration experience would be when stepping-through the planned self-service flow shifting their accounts
from HotJobs' legacy B2B product & database, to a fully re-done front-end experience, re-structured databases
and account-management / user-assignment systems.


The map outlined all conceivable use-case scenarios as brainstormed between myself, the IxD, 2 PMs, the
Customer Service manager and the 2 remaining pre-Yahoo! acquisition engineers, and was created for a product/engineering team meeting to un-"WTF?!" the confusing flows that seemed namely to be the result of
startup/post-acquisition database misunderstandings, under-scoped time dedicated to comprehending the
specific user scenarios prior to the Design team receiving the project- and how many users really, in numbers
and not percentages, would be subjected to each of the flows.


For the one meeting it was created for, the map served as a great tool to extend the scheduled 1-hour to a
painful three. The base objective was reached- the full team at a minimum, understanding how much bigger
the problem was than initially anticipated. More cross-team collaboration was recognized as fundamental
to reaching solutions that were both feasible, and manageable by users.


The map remained on the wall in a common area and continued to serve as a scribble-on brainstorming tool,
a guide in providing visual aids to confusing conversations, and occasional comic-relief by my quickie
sourced photos, created illustrations & UI, being humorously graffiti'd over by everyone. :)
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User details & use-case scenarios, for map on next slide